On Jan 30, 2010, Dr. Rick was walking in the street near Addis Ababa University and saw Befekadu walking on the roadside. He saw Befekadu’s spinal deformity and told him “I think I can change your life,” and asked him to join us in clinic. We diagnosed a spinal angle over 180 degrees, and a 75% reduction in lung function. At the time, we were not yet using long-term traction. He did not return for follow-up.

Several years later, we found Befekadu’s medical records and realized that he’d be a great candidate for ambulatory traction. But none of his phone numbers were working. This was a life-and-death situation. Reading his social history, we noted that he was a university student. We turned to Facebook, and within an hour, we located his Facebook page! We found that Befekadu lives in Debre Birhan, a small city, 2 1/2 hours north of Addis Ababa, and was working in a government transport office. We sent him a Facebook message. Within days, he was in our office for reevaluation. We flew him to Ghana for 9 months of traction, followed by corrective surgery. Since then, he insisted that we make a trip to his city as there are many other patients with spinal deformities like him seeking help. Befikadu is now working for Ethiopian Trade and Industry Ministry in DebreBirhan as a trade investigation officer.

On July 23, 2021, JDC’s medical staff and a trainee spine surgeon made a trip to Debre Birhan to evaluate patients and pilot a medical campaign with Dr. Rick’s supervision from the United States. Well over hundred patients showed up where most of them have moderate and severe spinal deformities. Most of these patients came through word-of-mouth.   

Meet some of our patients from the campaign:

Abute, Male, 5, Kyphosis

Abute, Male, 5, Kyphosis

Tamrat, Male, 18, Kyphosis

Tamrat, Male, 18, Kyphosis

Asfelagi, Female, 15, Scoliosis

Asfelagi, Female, 15, Scoliosis

Mimi, Female, 11, Kyphoscoliosis

Mimi, Female, 11, Kyphoscoliosis

Asredin, Male, 18, Scoliosis

Asredin, Male, 18, Scoliosis

Yared, Male, 8, Scoliosis

Yared, Male, 8, Scoliosis

Betelhem, Female 5, Kyphoscoliosis

Betelhem, Female 5, Kyphoscoliosis

Bamlak, Female, 16, Neurofibromatosis and Scoliosis

Bamlak, Female, 16, Neurofibromatosis and Scoliosis

Tariku, Male, 16, Kyphoscoliosis

Tariku, Male, 16, Kyphoscoliosis

Endeshaw, Male, 25, Kyphoscoliosis

Endeshaw, Male, 25, Kyphoscoliosis

Dinku, Male, 19, Kyphoscoliosis

Dinku, Male, 19, Kyphoscoliosis

Zeyede, Male, 33, Ankylosing spondylitis

Zeyede, Male, 33, Ankylosing spondylitis

Over 30 of these patients need surgery the soonest possible so they can breath better and live longer. Please help us change lives!