The Growing Rod

One by one, the young patients come into the examination room.  They are seen by the two Ghanian orthopedic surgeons; Dr. K. Poku Yankey and Dr. Arthur Sakeyfio, who are assisted by their nurses, Henry Ofori Duah and A. Evans Bekoe, and the staff of the JDC Ethiopian Spine Center. 


The staff has prepared the exam room with desks, computers, scale, height chart, and light boxes for viewing X-rays.  The computers are used to review charts. Most interesting is the high-tech device used to adjust the growth rods. It is the Magec Wand, manufactured by NuVasive Specialized Orthopedics of Aliso Viejo, California. 

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The doctors are working simultaneously on both sides of the room, each examining patients, each assisted by JDC Ethiopian Spine Center staff who serve as translators for those patients who don’t speak English.  The exams are run like clock-work with patients cycling through every few minutes. Today, the staff expect to see nearly 80 patients.

The surgeons examine the young patients, review X-rays, evaluate spines and quickly calculate the amount the growth rods need to be adjusted as the young patients continue to grow.  Dr. Yankey explained that the average youngster’s spine grows approximately 12 mm (1/2 inch) per year. Therefore, the average adjustment is 3-5 mm with adjustments made 2-3 times per year.  

The Magec Wand adjustment is non invasive and the young patients report there is no discomfort during the two minute adjustment.   Previously, each young patient had traveled to Ghana where the surgeons implanted their growth rod. It was surgically attached at the base of the spine and secured upward.  During the surgery, pins had been screwed into the patient’s vertebrae. The surgeons use a small device to locate the adjustment point, mark it with a pen and then place the Magec Wand over the adjustment point.  Once switched on, the Magec Wand uses a magnet to expand the distance between the base and top of the rod to accommodate the growth each patient is experiencing. The growth rods provide structure so the spine will grow straight.