Does polio exist in Ethiopia?

Fortunately, new cases of polio in Ethiopia are very rare, though there was a case in May, 2019 in the Somali area of Ethiopia which was vaccine-derived. However, we do see patients who had polio years ago, presenting to us with a spinal deformity. These patients tend to have broad curves, and weakness in 1 leg. They may benefit from a leg brace, a crutch, or perhaps surgery. 

We had one notable case last year where a 17 year old man came to us from rural Gojjam who had never walked, and never been to a physician. After careful exam, we diagnosed polio, which probably hit him in infancy. We sent him to Ghana for traction and surgery. He is still confined to a wheelchair, but in much better shape, and he is able to breath easier and is far-more functional. 

We see several new patients every year, who had polio in the remote past. We encourage all of our patients, and visitors, to be vaccinated against polio. 

